Got Your STD (and other true love stories) Vol. II

Like last summer, we have STD’s all over our house. I’ve written more emails with the title Got Your STD this year than ever before, and the bride-to-be is always glad to hear it came through mail ok!

Our fridge in Vol. I of this post was pretty crazy, but I think we’ve trumped that this year, and we haven’t even gotten the invitations for all the weddings yet! Like last year’s post I’ve also gathered some fun romance tidbits to pass along, more on that below. But check out our Save The Date covered fridge! 


If you follow me on twitter you may have already seen that pic, as I shared the consequences of so many events with my followers: DRESS SHOPPING. Thank you to all the lovely ladies on twitter who virtually accompanied me on that excursion!

Between the six weddings, all the engagement parties, showers, rehearsal dinners, etc…I definitely needed plenty of new dresses, especially since ALL (except one) OF THE WEDDINGS are for hubby’s fraternity brothers, so each wedding will be the same group of people. Sadly that means very little outfit repeats, people.

After spending hours in DC’s 100+ degree heat I happily found two funky dresses, more unique than I would typically wear, but I wanted something “special.” Here they are, with hubby’s quote about how “special” he found them…

So we’re off to North Carolina today, and not only am I looking forward to this mini-college-reunion, Eastern Carolina BBQ, Diet Cheerwine (just as good as the regular, but doesn’t make my teeth squeak), and saying “y’all” more naturally in every sentence, but also, and best of all, seeing two great friends get married in all the pomp and romance circumstance of a sure-to-be-lovely wedding.

Man oh man I was so emo and full of schmoop at my besties wedding last year, and with all these romantical-celebrations coming up I’m sure to get my quota of Real Life True Love this year!

I love those romance in real life stories, romance novels are fun and all, but real peoples’ stories are more chilling and thrilling to me. Here are a few that’ve caught my eye:

     1. Famous author PC Cast was featured in the Daily Mail as her story is too good not to tell. Thrice-divorced and visiting Scotland for research for her new book, check out who her tour guide was:

Definitely click the link above and read the whole article, so sweet and moving!

     2. When Queen of DC blogging LivitLuvit shared this I about died – super cute Top 10 Geekist Marriage Proposals on Mashable. I’m sort of over the twitter proposals, not very romantic to me at all, but the LOLcats one is adorbs.

     3. Lastly July 10th is apparently a Very Popular wedding date with our friends’ wedding and three celebrity weddings all taking place that day! Hopefully I’ll be too distracted by our festivities to mope about oneof  my favorite Good Looking Gentlemen, John Krasinski, going off the market that day.

I’m hoping to get some reading in during our 5 hour car ride down there today, because our time is very booked up this weekend. Hope you all enjoy yours too!

5 Responses

  1. oh my gosh, i think that beats even my most-weddingy-summer! i guess it helped that i was single during the Prime Marryin’ Years, so i only had my own friends and not mine AND a bf/hubs’ friends :-)

    i absolutely ADORE hearing proposal stories. i can’t get enough of them!

  2. Alice: we’ll have been to over 12 in 2 years (including our own!) so hopefully we’ll have a break soon. and its funny because since hubby and i went to college together these are all actually our mutual friends!

  3. Okay, this post was totally not what I was expecting based on the title. lol

  4. heidenkind: I’m tricksy like that. When I got engaged STD as save the date immediately became part of my normal vocab.

  5. […] only that but it was one of my first Saturday’s at home in a long time (see: we had 7 weddings this summer, and our own 2 year anniversary to celebrate recently) and due to budget cuts DC libraries close […]

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