I’m now the kind of person I hate

I hate people with two phones.

I give my friends with two phones SUCH a hard time, y’all. Oh my mockery is relentless and cruel.

This is now me:


So I’m wedded to my work. With two phones there is no escaping it! I take all three meals a day at my desk. Maybe see the hubby an hour a day. Have stayed in various hotel rooms alone all over the mid Atlantic (thanks to those on twitter who kept me company while I traveled!). I’m on call 24/7. I’m not a doctor, y’all! I’m a campus recruiter. And I love it. But it’s hell right now.

I haven’t read the library books I took out last month. They’re totally overdue now. That’s four weeks I’ve gone without reading. A teeny part of me is shriveling up but it’s almost over. That’s my mantra. Almost. Over.

I love my new co-workers, the company I work for is one of the most respected firms in the world, and my candidate pool is bright, energetic, super nice college seniors, and fun to be around. But it’s still work. The recruiting season ends at Thanksgiving, believe me – the countown is on!

Until then, I will continue to carry two phones around with me at all time…ugh, I hate those people!