Library Loot across genres

Going along with my recent book buying ban, I have been seriously hitting up the library for all of my lusty reading needs…well not all, they hardly have any romance novels at my libraries *harumph* So I suppose I should say, all of my NON lusty reading needs. Despite not having 90% of the romance novels on my wish list, I still picked up plenty of books from other genres on the rest of my list. Yes, I do read non-romance novels! This trip to the library was made even more successful by the fact that Girl Scouts were selling cookies out front, so I walked away with the quite the loot, both in books and in thin mints! So what did I get???

  • Anna and the French Kiss, by Stephanie Perkins: there has been a lot of buzz about this one around the book blogs, and I’m all for YA romances, and have become extra attracted to this kind of read after becoming obsessed with Jennifer Echols, Sarah Dessen, and Simone Elkeles. I’ve heard this one was really cute, but with plenty of angst. After seeing a review from my very trusted book-recommender friend at Katidom, I knew I needed to pick this up!
  • Last Sacrifice, by Richelle Mead: I am OBSESSED with this YA Vampire Academy series, ya’ll, this is the 6th and final one! I’m so obsessed with this series that I actually BOUGHT the 5th one in HARDCOVER. I never ever ever buy hardcover…so why I am I getting this one from the library? *sigh* There is a love triangle. And I dont think Rose ends up with the guy I like. I’m actually scared to read this, it’s a monster of a book (610 pgs) and although I haven’t read any reviews for fear of spoilers I just have this terrible feeling I will not like this book. I actually have a strong feeling I just might not even read it and just return it.
  • Bed of Roses, by Nora Roberts: I read the first in the Bride Quartet and didn’t love it, it was a little flat…but I saw this 2nd one on the library new releases shelf and thought, why not? I need some light reading for my metro commute!
  • The Three Weissmanns of Westport, by Cathleen Schine: the review for this one in last month’s People Magazine intrigued me, and as I said above, I like a little bit of diversity in my reading diet, so this one can fill my “literary fiction” quota ;)

Library loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Marg from The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader and Claire from The Captive Reader that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library.

Liquidation sales don’t count when you’re on a book buying ban

So I didn’t tell you happened after I locked myself out in January…sigh…ok y’all read my last post (from over a month ago *sadface*) right?

Ok so what I didn’t tell you is that I locked myself out again the VERY NEXT NIGHT.

I went through a period of great self-hatred after that and simply could not speak of the incident(s) any further.

Needless to say it cost another pretty penny, but also cost me my sanity. I was soooooo angry at myself. It’s just so typically me. I ended up baking the cupcakes for my friend’s birthday, used the door with the drilled-out-broken-lock just fine all day Saturday, came home from the birthday party that night, took the dog out for a walk, and after 1 quick turn around the block I simply could not open the door. The knob would not turn. Locked. Out. Again.

The same locksmith guy came out again, so I made him come out on Friday night and Saturday night – when he left the second time I told him, “No offense but I hope I never see you again.” He said the feeling was mutual *sad trombone*

I should have replaced the door knob and broken lock myself during the day and Saturday but with hubby out of town I thought it would be ok if I just waited another day for him to come home and do it.

Most of the time my klutziness is amusing, or dare I say even endearing, but when it teeters into the harmful, costly, stupid side there is nothing to smile about. I’m sad to say that I have been labeled ditzy before and I hate that. Some examples:

When we were house hunting, the first time I saw the pictures of the place we eventually ended up buying I thought to myself, “It looks perfect! Except the stairs, those look dangerous” I have since fallen down them twice, with more to come I’m sure.

I literally got an email from my friend last week titled “I thought of you today” with the body of the email simply stating “I burned myself with my curling iron.” This is the type of thing that reminds my friends of me! I burned the crap outta my forehead the day before senior yearbook pictures with my curling iron.

I like to put things on my calendar for the wrong time accidentally, and even if I know what time things really do start, I’m always late.

I break dishes and glasses all the time while washing them in the sink.

I’m not super responsible in other areas too – one Saturday when hubby was at the office ALL day I promised I would clean the house while he was gone. I did NOTHING in the way of cleaning, but did watch instructional youtube videos for hours until I perfected the Cotton Eye Joe dance and the Cupid Shuffle. When he asked about the cleaning, my response of putting on music and doing line dancing wasn’t quite what he was expecting, and he wasn’t that mad…

So anyway. I’m a disaster.

So to counteract the hundreds of dollars down the drain for my stupidity of locking myself out, I am on a big time spending ban.

For the most part.

I just couldn’t quite stick to that spending ban when it came to the frivolous entertainment of books. I have a crazy-long holds list going on at my local libraries (yes plural, I use both DC and VA for maximum exposure to free books, the differences in their stock is staggering) but when I heard about my local Borders’ liquidation sale I couldn’t pass it up.

I mean they’re practically FREE! All the books I usually buy are mass market paperback romance novels, so regular price they’re like $6-$8,  so then with a 30% discount it’s like I’m not even really spending money. Liquidation sales don’t count when you’re on a book buying ban!



I couldn’t resist the allure of the 9873524897 sale signs all over my local Borders and marched right up to the door, my wish-list already pulled up on my Goodreads app on my iPhone. I prepared for the inevitably long line by emptying my purse of all heavy things, going to the bathroom before I left home, and making sure my iPhone was fully charged, then when I got to the long line I happily started reading one of my new books!

Borders closings are sad, local DC blogger Malnurtured Snay wrote many a personal take on the bankruptcy and liquidations, so while in general its bad news such a big firm is doing so bad, the sale was great as a customer :)

I ended up with 6 fabulous books for only $37 and put a serious dent towards finding books off my wish list that aren’t at my local libraries!

All of these but one are new-to-me books I’ve never read but have been wishing for for a while. The only one I’ve read is Going Too Far which I checked out of the library twice already because I just adored it so much, so I figured I should probably buy it!

But now I’m going back on my book buying ban. I swear! Unless there’s another great sale, or maybe I just happen to stumble upon a cheap used book store… *shakes self* No, no, no! Bad self *slaps wrist* Ban is in full effect, for realsies!

